Filmography, autograph address, biodata, links to dedicated homepages, even photographs of the Bollywood actors and actresses, it's all in The Files, together with studio addresses and lists of released and unreleased movies. If your most favorite actor or actress is missing, please get back to us immediately: Contact |
A search engine for links dedicated to Bollywood and India in general. Be it news, background information, rumor, photographs, online shopping or anything, The Links take care of it.
Add your homepage to this search engine!
Take over 4100 movies, store them all in a database accessible on the Internet, with direct links to The Files and also to reviews written by the visitors, and what you get is The Bollywood Movie Database. Retrieval is all easy, you'll get together any filmography in seconds. For experienced user of course there's also an advanced search option available. |
Photographs, exclusive to us, cause none of those have been scanned from Filmi Magazines, prepared for easy downloading.
Click here for more! |
Uff, this is risky business! There is an opinion poll going on, trying to find out who's the most popular actress and actor in Bollywood. By the mere character of this subject, that must mean serious fighting!
Basically it was meant as a regular guestbook but people tend to view it as a place for discussions on Bollywood related matters. Never mind, check it out and have your say on any topic you'd like to comment on.
The ITRANS Song Book (ISB) is a wonderful collection of songs in different Indian languages. All written down in ITRANS, a transliteration scheme that creates an output one can even read without any previous conversion. But The Songs shows, that even re-conversion can be done easily! |
Warning: This is a major spoiler! We are trying to come up with the answers to ZEE TVīs TOP TEN Competition here. Looking at the page might take all the fun out of taking part in the competition ... |
Good with quizzes? Let's see! Select the quiz and try your luck:
There are no prices to win! It's all pure, clean fun, so enjoy! |
Looking for a job in Bollywood? Then our Casting Center is for you. There you can introduce yourself to the producers, directors and casting agencies in Mumbai and everywhere else. You also find job offers from filmmakers allover the globe and of course you get the addresses of production companies in India. |
We are offering two software packages. The first one, called KYAA, is a vocabulary practice drill tool, that teaches you HINDI (Devanagari and ITRANS) from English or German. The second one, project name is JAADOO, is a tool for those who write texts for the ISB or simply want to write in Devanagari on the PC. Both are based on the ITRANS transliteration scheme. Required is a PC with DOS/WIN. |
Just in case you'd like to know who is behind this site. For our german visitors, there is a version in their native language as well: DER AUTOR Should you want to know what The Times of India, Bangalore has to say about him, you may want to read their article. ![]() BOLLYWOOD SHAAN is our exclusive DVD supplier |